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Average weight of an adult Ayrshire cow is 100 1300 pounds. These cows are suited for dairy purposes due to...
We broke up. He said that he still loved me but wasn’t in love with me. There was no name...
The combination of Sharon trucking along just ahead of me and the increasing crowds and cheering toward the finish line...
I wish that it was a bit longer so I didn’t feel like I was about to lose my grip...
If anything, developed and sufficiently modern nations (such as Japan) should be held to high standards by their peers in...
Messier was handed the C in Edmonton after exited for Los Angeles. It was the start of 16 straight seasons...
The vibrations are incredible. The wide range of functions and speeds means that there’s something for everyone, and the beak...
The latest injury news was surrounding starting linebacker Mike Caprara, who didn play against the Tar Heels with a body...
Yet Cole tried to stay upbeat, stressing that if he kept doing his job eventually the lineup would, too. Eventually...
Getting to the point where she could publish this anthology wasn’t easy. But with Edim’s innovative spirit, she eventually built...
The buzz of Franklin Street bars. The benches of He’s Not on lazy afternoons with nothing to do and nowhere...
I think caring for people with behavioural disabilities takes a specific type of person. I really didn mind taking a...
Barney and Roisin were in bed. He threw a stone at the top window. After a moment Barney appeared at...